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Always, Always Reading Books, Recipes, and Life Kitschy Witch The Herb Gardener

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Infatuations

This book is for anybody who has ever loved somebody foolishly and senselessly ..... raise your hand if you've done this ....... okay, why aren't all of you raising your hand right now? I know I am. Anyhow, the book starts out with our heroine observing two people who she believes are the "perfect couple" at the café where she has breakfast every day. In her mind, she invents all sorts of stories and scenarios of their impossibly perfect lives. These stories come to an abrupt halt as the man in the couple - the woman's husband - is brutally murdered by a crazy homeless mad man. Or is he? That's the question the book asks as our heroine meets the wife and the former husband's best friend, or is he? It turns out the former husband's best friend wants to marry the wife. And our heroine falls in love with the former husband's best friend. The story engages you even though the characters are distasteful and sometimes detestable. But the author does a good job of exploring emotions we can all relate to, especially our darker shadow side. The ending of the novel has an unexpected twist. I recommend the book.

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