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Always, Always Reading Books, Recipes, and Life Kitschy Witch The Herb Gardener

Thursday, June 22, 2017

In the Waves

In the Waves by Lennon and Maisy Stella is a great summer story time book! The story starts with two excited young girls getting ready to go to the beach. They've got everything that they need: flip-flops, hats, sunblock, even their boogie-oogie boogie board! The story follows their adventure "in the waves, in the water" where they offer a shark peanut butter and jelly and scuba dive. Or do they? At the end, we realize that they have been in their bathtub the entire time. They just have a very vivid imagination!

You can go to YouTube to listen to In the Waves. If you decide to sing instead of read this story, there is a soundtrack. Or you can always do both!

Another fun activity to do with a small group or one on one is to count how many times the crab appears in the book. Just fyi, the appears fourteen times in the book.

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