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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nursery Rhymes Story Times!

Today's preschool story time featured nursery rhymes! 

I started off by having the children sing along to Old MacDonald Had a Farm. I had a flannel board displayed for this song and would point to the animals, for example ... a cow, pig, or horse and wait for the children to identify the animal. Then we would continue singing the song.

Then, I read, well actually sang Old MacDonald Had a Boat by Steve Goetz. It's a humorous take on the original Old MacDonald Had a Farm. In this book, Old MacDonald has everything that he needs to build a boat: a truck to haul the supplies, a saw, a hammer, a torch, a sander, and a bucket of paint. At the end of the story, he has finished building his boat and he and his wife use the boat to go water skiing! I thought that the children would like this more than they did; they didn't seem to really get into it. However, not all of the children were preschoolers; some of them were babies and toddlers. So maybe this book would work well with an older audience?

Then we sang The Itsy-Bitsy Spider and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. We also did Roll, Roll Sugar Babies and sang Skinny Marinky Dinky Dink.

The second and last book that I read was Teddy Bear; Teddy Bear (a classic action rhyme illustrated by Michael Hague). First I read the book and then the children and I acted out all of the movements in the rhyme together.

I finished story time with a Baa Baa Black Sheep flannelboard. 

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